We Stand Together

by CAIR Coalition Staff

Every four years, the American people exercise their right to choose a new government, and they did so last night.  We at CAIR Coalition respect the electorate’s choice, but recognize the challenges that this choice brings to our work and our clients.
During the past year, there has been much dialogue focused on rolling back the already scant protections afforded to noncitizens in this country.  This dialogue has been colored by vitriol aimed at noncitizen men, women, and children.  We are, and have been, disappointed in how dehumanizing this has been for our clients, our families, and our friends.  CAIR Coalition is hopeful that the new administration’s policies on immigration will not further this vitriolic dialogue.  Children fleeing violence, men and women fleeing persecution, and all other immigrants building lives in America deserve better.  
Whatever may come next, we stand together.  We are a community of immigrants, advocates, friends, volunteers, and familes.  CAIR Coalition will continue to fight for every one of our clients, fight for each of the families we serve, and fight against any immigration reforms that diminish protections, access to counsel, or due process.  We will continue to fight for a United States that sets an example of how a nation of immigrants can create a diverse and wonderful society.  

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