Providing Legal Representation for Detained Immigrants

CAIR Coalition has nearly quadrupled the number of detained adults and children to whom we were able to provide pro bono legal representation for over the past 5 years.  Thousands of individuals still need our help.

The Center for Popular Democracy published a report reviewing representation rates for detained immigrants in proceedings at the Arlington & Baltimore immigration courts. The report, Access to Justice: Ensuring Counsel for Immigrants Facing Deportation in the D.C. Metropolitan Area, confirms a stark reality: that representation rates for detained individuals are severely low and that detained individuals with legal representation are much more likely to win a form of legal relief than those without.

Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights (CAIR) Coalition is the only nonprofit organization exclusively focused on serving this tremendously under-served population in the Washington, DC region.  To help we ask you do to two things:

Get educated:  Read the report to learn about the staggering lack of counsel for immigrants facing deportation.

Help us Fight:  Make a donation today and help us fight for justice for more detained immigrants in the Washington, DC region.


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